Tuesday 29 July 2014

No.4 - Healthy Trust Creates Healthy Culture

In my last blog I wrote about the importance of healthy cultures producing healthy Churches/Christian schools. I want to look over the next few blogs what contributes to good and bad cultures.

A common barrier to healthy cultures is lack of trust. When trust breaks down so to does the health of the organisation. We see in this in relationships - where there is a breakdown of trust the vitality and love has gone.

Lack of trust manifests in gossip, bitterness, and ultimately ends in unresolved conflict. Secret meetings without key players, people taking sides, and lack of unity are all distructive outcomes when trust breaks down. In the dozen or so churches that I have consulted with where dysfunctionality is evident, there was nearly always a break down of trust between people.

On the positive side trust breeds peace, understanding and unity.  Creating and sustaining a culture of trust will contribute significantly towards health.

Building a culture of trust where there is a breakdown, there needs to humility that seeks restoration before God and one another. I have found that the Australian Peacewise organisation and their Biblical principles is a good place to start (http://www.peacewise.org.au/get-help-with-conflict-2/peacemaking-principles/#.U9h746NuozU).

Maintaining trust is hard work. I believe it requires continual prayer, humility and openness of any issues that may affect trust.

Finally, while we don't always understand God's Will and issues with His timing, we are called to trust Him: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV).

For His Cause

David Moyes

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dave. Very encouraging. Even when people let us down, we can always trust in and rely upon our ever faithful Father and His Son.
    And just because one person has broken our trust, that is no reason to stop trusting anyone and everyone...trust is a two way relationship, we have to trust others in order for them to recipricate and trust us.
    For the Christian, this life (and indeed our eternal life) MUST operate on trust.
